What a fantastic year we have had at RC Performing Arts. Some of the highlights include our end of term themed parties. We had our annual Halloween, Easter & Christmas parties as well as filming some magical Christmas videos for the parents in December.

Adding Saturday morning classes to the timetable has been a huge success and has seen the school grow to over 65 students. We added a baby ballet class where parents were welcome to dance with their little ones. We also had to add 2 new acro classes for children aged 3-5 as they became so popular so quickly! I absolutely love teaching pre-school acro and the children have loved it too! Parent & Toddler restarted in January and has been a big success, it’s lovely to see the children gain confidence and grow in skills throughout the term!

And finally our ‘Opening Night’ show on Friday 1st July was a fantastic night of dancing, food and fun! The student who performed were all fantastic and I am so proud of each and every one of them! Each class did a dance showcasing all of the steps/skills they have learned throughout the year and the children all got to experience their first show in front of a larger audience, with quick changes and pretty tutus. We all then were able to enjoy a lovely 3 course meal and have a fabulous disco with the lovely ladies from Kidsize!

Moving into next year I am so excited to welcome Miss Meg to the teaching team. She will be taking over all of my ballet classes on a Thursday evening. She is absolutely fabulous, having studied at Ballet West and recently completed her DDE Ballet exam means we are so fortunate to have her joining the team.
I hope that everyone is enjoying the summer holidays and I can’t wait to see old and new faces again in August!
Miss Becca xxx